Tuesday 27 October 2015

Sigourney Weaver on Doc Martin, ITV, review: 'bizarre'

The cosy and sometimes idyllic world of Doc Martin (ITV) often throws up peculiar scenarios, none more so than a cameo appearance by the star of the Alien film franchise, Sigourney Weaver. Playing an American tourist searching for her family roots in Cornwall, and for a prescription-only medicine from the local chemist, her encounter with Dr Martin Ellingham (Martin Clunes) in the latest episode wasn’t so much enigmatic as evanescent – and verged on the bizarre.

She appeared from nowhere, announced her name, Beth Traywick, to pharmacist Mrs Tishell (to which Mrs T, somewhat bafflingly in the circumstances, replied: “Yes, I know”) and proceeded to act out the sort of clichés of transatlantic boorishness that we haven’t really associated with American tourists since the Seventies. Sadly, Beth’s medical complaint didn’t involve anything as eye-catchingly dramatic as an evil alien parasite living in her gut. It was mild asthma instead, and after another pointlessly waspish encounter with the Doc she was gone. We can only hope her donation of a book on radical feminism to receptionist Morwenna (Jessica Ransom) might yet prove fruitful. 

Apart from that, the episode wended its whimsical way with typical aplomb. The story was bracketed by Martin and Louisa’s (Caroline Catz) encounters with their marriage counsellor, psychiatrist Dr Timoney (Emily Bevan), who herself went doolally after hurting her head in a car accident.

Keep reading HERE at the Telegraph.

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled on this show years ago somewhere on my old C-band sat system, only saw one episode. Thought it was quirky but entertaining.Never found it again. Now, must be 10yrs later, Doc Martin shows up on Netflix. I did not recognize Doc but clicked it and have binged watched all 6 seasons of it so far in only a few days. Working on season 7. As an American, this sure has my vote as one of the most entertaining Dr shows ever! Being a Dentist in Far Far west Texas, a transplanted east coast Virginian, the spectacular coastal scenes and segulls and seafood ......One does not realize how often doctors wished they could say "SHUT UP, I NEED TO EXAMINE YOU!" Hillarious!!!!
